Advisor Network: A Professional Support Service


Corporate growth partners who use deep knowledge in industry expertise and combine it with personal connections

*Please note that all the services are only offered in Japan.


It is a service that introduces advisors who have experience and personal connections to companies that have management issues. Advisors with deep knowledge in specific areas, such as former executives of listed companies and current presidents of  venture companies, would help you solve key problems.  

Since it is a business consignment contract for each project, an optimum cost can be reached. We would support the company so that it can run on its own during the contract and after the contract ends. As a result you can accumulate personal connections and know-how within the company. 

Recommended for the Following Cases

  • 課題 The management has given me a mission to promote digital transformation, but I don't know what to do.
  • 課題 We are considering designing and migrating to a new HR system, but we don't have the expertise.
  • 課題 I want to expand sales through marketing that uses digital tools, but I am struggling.

Examples of advisors who can be introduced

  • Advisors who are Technology Officers (CIO/CTO) of major companies and venture companies
  • Advisor who has served as the general manager of the HR department of a large company and is currently providing independent HR-related support
  • Advisor who launched the online marketing of a famous company